We help supported living, residential & nursing care homes, extra care living complexes and other social care set ups in Oxfordshire to achieve low staff turnover so that the setup remains fully staffed with relevantly skilled personnel to ensure service users’ person centred care needs are met which will result in favourable Care Quality Commission (CQC) rating.
We only work with social care business clients who offer a safe, well led and responsive environment for great career progression and training, who truly care for their staff and who value the service that we offer. We absolutely reject clients who do not look after their staff and do not see value in the services that we offer them.
Without our help, these clients will not only be able to deliver the CQC recommended level of person centered care to meet service user’s needs but they will also continue to have nightmares finding skilled staff and their Service User will really suffer. This will make their lives a living hell because without enough people in their teams due to high staff turnover, staff’s work life balance suffers, care quality compromise consequently risking CQC ratings.
But with our help, these people will attract, hire and retain amazing care and support staff for their services to meet CQC requirements for service user’s peson centered care.This benefits everything in their life because they will have time for their loved ones at home, afford to go on holiday without stressing about work, creating the perfect work life balance and love coming to work.
This benefits everything in their life because staff will not be called in unexpectedly meaning spending more time with their families and able to make holiday arrangements as staff roastering will not affect holiday decisions.
In exchange for helping our clients get this incedible transormation, our rates for permanent staff placements is just 20% of the Fulltime Employment Rate per annum and for temporary placement we charge an average 25% margin on hourly rate.